BOLD Meetings are held in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, and so the average individual would think to themselves, "Who has the time to get out to a prayer meeting in the middle of the work week? It appears to be such a waste of time and energy, when you could be making it happen from the comfort of your office, telephone and computer."

We live in a make it happen world, and in this economy, if you don't make it happen for yourself, it doesn't come to pass. For some it means working through lunch, weekends and late nights. So even the 'spare time' you have is chipped away.

Not so for those of us who believe we love and serve the God that never sleeps.

One of our BOLD board members is learning first hand how this life in God works in a tangible palpable way. He had already attended the NYSE Bible Study in the morning, and now made the time to come out in the middle of the day for the second meeting at BOLD at St Bart’s’ at 12:45PM. The meeting went over, as usual, and just when he was walking out, I reached out and asked everyone to pray for him: specifically, that when he returned to his office he would have received multiple calls from clients giving him work.

This is the email I received from him this afternoon:

Meant to call you.
When I got back to my office the President of this finance company in Chicago called to say he had decided to make an offer to one of our sales candidates, but has been so busy, he hasn't had a chance to put a package together, but will by Friday.

And the President of a Christian College called to say that she has been busy arranging funding for a new position in the Development Office and will send us an email outlining the terms by Friday. Wants no other headhunter to work on it and it will be a test to see how we do.

And the HR Dept of a Leading International Bank called to say the final meeting with one of our candidates is scheduled for Thursday. Praise God and thank you for your prayers. They work!!!
Keep going!

I give God the credit, and want to say, that when you start making room for God, God begins making room for you and your business.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will follow.