It requires less skill to live when there is very little resistance and opposition in your way. The challenges arise when you come across a series of situations when Life, People and what’s even harder, and even God, throws roadblocks in your life.

That's what is called Living Through Life’s’ “No” Seasons.

Recently, I began to think through a situation in which I felt that the Lord was consistently saying ‘No’ to me in one specific area. I suppose I was forced to think differently about it. That's when I stumbled upon the idea that when we are getting too many No’s, we should look around to where He is possibly saying to us “Yes.” [Especially since all the promises of God are Yes and Amen. 2 Cor 1:20]

Too often we legitimize our behavior or ‘decision trees’ by accomodating our dysfunction and poor performance.

Joseph, in Genesis 37-50, represents a wonderful example of an individual who successfully navigated through a series of God "No’s."

Joseph’s life was distinctively populated with a significant and substantial series of divine No’s.

No to his brothers liking him
No to his father’s understanding of his call
No to his understanding of the real meanings of his first dreams
No to his living with his brothers in peace
No to his avoiding the pain and suffering of his brother’s jealousy
No to his living in Canaan with his father and family
No to his rights to live as a free man
No and being sold out & betrayed
No and being bought by an Egyptian
No and being bought by Potiphar
No and being unrighteously tempted by Potiphar’s wife
No and being accused of ficticious rape
No and being thrown into prison for a crime he didn’t do
No and staying in prison for years while running the prison
No and being forgotten by those he ministered to (butler and baker)

God’s No’s ultimately become God’s roadmaps to His Yes’s. Often in God’s economy our No’s from God often are because He has a bigger yes in mind.

Start looking and thinking YES, and be willing to walk away from the No's of our lives.